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A peaceful corner of Europe at USA’s gates.

Certainly the finest restaurants in the entire Caribbean, the greatest and safest beach and the best duty free shopping. St Barts has 26 hotels representing 586 beds. This leaves some room for the most exclusive villas for rent that the island have to offer.

How are the prices formed on this 8.1 square mile island?

Here are the principal criterias:

  • Ocean view
  • Proximity with Gustavia
  • The SQ FT
  • Neighbors
  • Western exposition (sunset)
  • Almost identical bedrooms (easier to be rented)

Prices of a land with a building permit vary between $1,880,000 and $2,470,000 adding the construction price of a 2bdr villa. ($3,100,000 – $4,300,000 and usually 2years of work)

These prices are comparable to the villas currently for sale ($3,115,000 – $4,300,000) without the concerns linked to a construction project… The villas will usually provide you a return on investment from 3% to 4%/year.

Our analysis shows that the average price per bedroom is $2.150.000 for high end finishes.

If you are looking to rent your villa while you are abroad, a villa with 2 beds, and an ocean view is a must have. They have the best occupancy rate.


Benjamin Roche


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